‎Changes to this year's Oscars

‎As the COVID-19 crisis continues in the world and in the arts community such as festivals and the entertainment filmmaking, it has led many Hollywood institutions to adapt to the situation. And changing the way we work, as we saw recently with the Golden Globe Awards. What also makes this year's Oscars (2021), a little different. Knowing that the Oscars have been declining for years, will anyone watch the ceremony this year? ‎

‎Here are some of the changes that have occurred:-‎

‎ The concert will take place on April 25 in Los Angeles. And maybe online. ‎

‎- Films released between January 1, 2020 and February 28, 2021 will be eligible for awards for 2021. ‎

‎- The two categories of Best Sound Mixing and Sound Editing will be merged into one category, which is the best achievement in the Sound.‎

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